Researched and managed live. We maintain the largest Public Sector database in the UK with our own in-house team of 15 researchers. Data accuracy and our proprietary live database system are the cornerstones of our business. These ensure that users get up to the minute updates and changes. Click Here For an overview of our research processes.
For political data we take a forensic approach to updates, including with annual local elections ensuring that all post holders are updated by the end of the election Month, as well as all boundary changes. Leadership, Cabinet and Committee functions are then updated as Councils hold their AGMs and information is published/fed back to us.
Care Home Provider:
Provided with a list of all home sites in the group, from which we identified the Constituencies, MPs and devolved Members covering each site. At a Local Government level, the ward councillors and cabinet members for Social Care. Within the NHS the CCGs and the appropriate Commissioners as well as Secondary Care Trusts and Health Boards. The data was built into a live bespoke data feed to be called into the clients own system.
Water Company:
Based on the area covered by this regional operator we identified all required stakeholders, including Schools, Parish Councils, Local Authorities and MPs with ward, constituency and parish codes delivered via a live XML datafile called via an API into the clients own GIS system.
Oscar Platform:
Our inhouse showcase of our data, system and mapping capabilities. Allowing users to search by any UK postcode to identify the national and local political representatives and political parties. Results include a party political analysis of the respective Local Authority and a map view of every Public Body in the area, from Parish Councils to Government Departments, Dentists to Health Trusts. Try it Here