Functional Category Key

The following list shows all the functional categories used in the Oscar database. When data is downloaded, these are coded and grouped together within the 'allcategories' field. The table shows the category descriptions that correspond to the category codes. A download is available here

IDFunctional areaFunction categoryDescription
3SeniorityChairmanMost senior 'non executive' contact
4SeniorityVice/Deputy ChairmanReporting directly to the Chairman, second most senior 'non executive' contact
5SeniorityRegistered OwnerThe owner of a Care Home
6SeniorityChief OfficerThe most senior Executive Contact
9SeniorityDeputy/Assistant Chief OfficerSome organisations have specific Deputy Chief Officer posts, distinct to other Top Level Directors - e.g. Deputy Chief Constables in Police Forces
11SeniorityClerk/SecretaryMost senior Administrative contact. Specific and in some cases statutory post
12SeniorityTop Level DirectorSenior Director who reports directly to the Chief Officer
13SenioritySecond Level / Head of ServiceAssistant Director or Head of Service that reports to a Director or equivalent
769SeniorityThird Tier/ManagerHeads of Service or Managers that report directly to 'Second Tier' employees - i.e. are two levels below 'Top/Director' Level
849Administration/PlanningRisk ManagementResponsible for identifying and managing internal and external risks to the organisation and related services
41Administration/PlanningBest ValueResponsible for the implementation and compliance with of the Government's "Best Value" requirements. This approach is the evaluation of ''services'' based on all merits not just cost.
42Administration/PlanningBusiness Development/FranchisingResponsible for developing policies and strategies around the promoting of and increasing the revenue from services provided by the organisation (including Academic and Training Courses in Further and Higher Education)
43Administration/PlanningBusiness ManagementPeople in the NHS responsible for the running and management of the organisation. May include developing policies around and monitoring strategic and financial management
44Administration/PlanningCentral Administrative ServicesCentral management of administrative support services provided for other departments.
45Administration/PlanningCleaning BuildingsManagement of the internal day-to-day cleaning of the organisations buildings.
46Administration/PlanningCorporate/Strategic/Policy PlanningInvolves advising/planning in connection with strategic issues and developing systematic processes to enable, general organisational development, expenditure programmes and services to be evaluated and optimised.
47Administration/PlanningCustomer ServicesResponsible for ensuring services are provided efficiently and effectively to the public. This is likely to include points of direct contact with the organisation.
751Administration/PlanningElectoral RegistrationManage the register of electors within Local Authorities
49Administration/PlanningFreedom of InformationResponsible for the ''publication scheme'' and facilitating public access to all types of information held by the organisation
50Administration/PlanningMembers ServicesManaging and running Councillors rooms, bars and restaurants.
753Administration/PlanningMonitoring OfficerResponsible for monitoring and ensuring both the elected councillors and employed officers within Local Government are working legally and ethically
52Administration/PlanningOperational ServicesStrategic role concerned with service delivery from a logistical perspective. Often involves co-ordinating partnerships with other organisations.
813Administration/PlanningPost RoomManagement of larger organisations incoming and outgoing mail. May include internal distribution of post to various departments.
53Administration/PlanningPrinting / ReprographicsInternal provision of printing services for the organisiation
54Administration/PlanningProperty Enqs/Local Land ChargesDealing with enquiries about physical proposals (road improvements, new schools, etc.) which would affect a specific curtilage (area of land). This is part of all house sales processes.
55Administration/PlanningQuality AssuranceMonitoring the services provided by the organisation/department against predefined standards.
51Administration/PlanningScrutinyResponsible for ensuring policies are effective and monitoring openness and fairness with the decision making of elected Councillors and the management of the Council.
56Adult ServicesAdmin/Management/Support ServicesProvide support in running the department, could be information management/strategic development/co-ordination of resources/paperwork etc
57Adult ServicesArea/District OfficerUsually based at other/satellite offices responsible for service provision in a defined area
58Adult ServicesCommunity CarePrimarily involved with helping adults live at home through advice, guidance and provision of support. Often focused on those with physical or learning disabilities and the elderly.
59Adult ServicesCriminal JusticeResponsible for statutory assessment and supervision of adult offenders (aged 16 and over) in Local Govt. Other roles around Criminal Justice in Central Govt
60Adult ServicesLearning DisabilitiesProvide support for adults with all forms of Learning Difficulties
61Adult ServicesLifelong LearningDevelopment of strategies for the provision of Adult Education via community schools/neighbourhood centres/community centres/adult education College and co-ordination with external providers for education and training schemes, such as ''Learn Direct''
62Adult ServicesManagement of Own Care ServicesResponsible for the management of the organisations/departments own care facilities - Support Centres, Care Homes etc
63Adult ServicesMental Health ServicesSupport people with Mental Health problems. Often Local Authorities work jointly with NHS Trusts and voluntary and charity organisations.
64Adult ServicesOccupational TherapyResponsible for assessing and providing information, advice and support for people coping with disabilities at home, helping them to be more independent.
65Adult ServicesOlder PeopleResponsible for helping the elderly through support at home (assessments/home care/home adaptations etc), supporting older people returning from hospital and organising Day Services and Care Homes.
66Adult ServicesOperational ServicesStrategic role concerned with service delivery of Adult Services/Social Care from a logistical perspective.
67Adult ServicesOverall ResponsibilityThe Director or equivalent of the Department responsible for Adult Social Care - this person has overall responsibility for all areas of service provision.
68Adult ServicesPhysical DisabilitiesResponsible for helping people between 18 and 64 with Physical Disabilities to live either at home via home care or provide suitable accommodation - this may be supported living or a Residential/Nursing Home.
69Adult ServicesPlanning/DevelopmentResponsible for the strategic development of Adult Social Care service provision
70Adult ServicesQuality AssuranceMonitoring the services provided by the department, may involve dealing with complaints
71Adult ServicesResearch and InformationResponsible for the collation and strategic use of data and other information collected regarding the departments services and the public.
72Adult ServicesSocial CareResponsible for all or some areas of Adult Social Care/Services
73Adult ServicesSubstance MisuseProvide advice, guidance and support for people with drug and alcohol dependencies
32Board/CommitteeCHS Executive Board MemberExecutive Member of NHS Community Health Service Board
792Board/CommitteeHWB - ChairThe Chairperson of the Health and Wellbeing Board
793Board/CommitteeHWB - MemberMember of the Health and Wellbeing Board
806Board/CommitteeICS - LeadLead for the ICS - 42 areas in England produced a Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP) which evolved into Integrated Care Systems (ICS), focused on local health services and allowing closer working between the NHS and Local Gov.
33Board/CommitteeLHB Non Officer MemberNon Executive Member of Welsh Local Health Board
34Board/CommitteeLHB Officer MemberExecutive Member of Welsh Local Health Board
16Board/CommitteeMagistrate MemberMagistrate Member of Police Authority Board
18Board/CommitteeNon Executive DirectorPerson who is not employed as part of management and oversees the running of the organisation
17Board/CommitteeNon Executive MemberPerson who is not employed as part of management and oversees the running of the organisation
833Board/CommitteePCN - Clinical DirectorLead position within a Primary Care Network. Accountable to member GP Practices, leading delivery of planning and effectiveness of the PCN
840Board/CommitteePCN - Social PrescribingWorking through the Primary Care Networks and responsible for connecting people via non medical referrals with the community through community schemes, resources and the volunatry sector
694Board/CommitteePCP ChairChairperson of the Police and Crime Commissioner PCP Board
14Board/CommitteePCP Councillor MemberElected/Councillor Member of Police and Crime Commissioner PCP Board
15Board/CommitteePCP Independent MemberNon Employed Member of the Police and Crime Commissioner PCP Board
22Board/CommitteePEC/CEC Councillor MemberElected Councillor/Local Government Member of the Professional Executive Committee/Commissioning Executive Committee within the NHS
28Board/CommitteePEC/CEC Prescribing MemberPrescribing Member of the Professional Executive Committee/Commissioning Executive Committee within the NHS
74Building & EngineeringArchitectural ServicesUndertake in-house architectural work and manage work outsourced to private practices and consultants.
75Building & EngineeringDirect Service OperationsThe contractor side within Local Authorities, providing various maintenance and building functions, often based within council depots. Regularly referred to as ''Neighbourhood Services''
76Building & EngineeringTechnical ServicesProvide engineering and building maintenance services in relation to the organisations buildings, heating, ventilation, electrical and plumbing services.
510Cabinet MembersAdult ServicesIn Councils that have opted for an Executive/Cabinet System. Elected person with responsibility for Adult Health and Social Care
811Cabinet MembersAuditIn Councils that have opted for an Executive/Cabinet System. Elected person with responsibility for Audit
508Cabinet MembersCabinet/Executive ChairOften the Leader of the Council. The most senior person within the cabinet and who officially appoints the members of the cabinet
509Cabinet MembersCabinet/Executive Vice ChairOften the Deputy Leader of the Council. The most second senior person within the cabinet.
511Cabinet MembersChildrens ServicesIn Councils that have opted for an Executive/Cabinet System. Elected person with responsibility for Children's Education, Health and Social Care
512Cabinet MembersClimate StrategyIn Councils that have opted for an Executive/Cabinet System. Elected person with responsibility for Climate Strategy
513Cabinet MembersCommunications/PRIn Councils that have opted for an Executive/Cabinet System. Elected person with responsibility for Communications/PR
514Cabinet MembersCommunity DevelopmentIn Councils that have opted for an Executive/Cabinet System. Elected person with responsibility for Community Social Development
515Cabinet MembersCommunity SafetyIn Councils that have opted for an Executive/Cabinet System. Elected person with responsibility for Community/Public Safety
516Cabinet MembersCultural ServicesIn Councils that have opted for an Executive/Cabinet System. Elected person with responsibility for Museums, Libraries and other Cultural Services
517Cabinet Memberse-GovernmentIn Councils that have opted for an Executive/Cabinet System. Elected person with responsibility for implementing online/automated ways of providing public services utilising multi-media technologies
518Cabinet MembersEmployment/SkillsIn Councils that have opted for an Executive/Cabinet System. Elected person with responsibility for Employment/Skills
519Cabinet MembersEnvironmentIn Councils that have opted for an Executive/Cabinet System. Elected person with responsibility for issues concerning the Local Environment - may include Planning, Waste, Cleansing, Sustainability etc
520Cabinet MembersEnvironmental HealthIn Councils that have opted for an Executive/Cabinet System. Elected person with responsibility for Environmental Health
521Cabinet MembersEqual Opps/Womens Rights Cabinet MbrIn Councils that have opted for an Executive/Cabinet System. Elected person with responsibility for Equal Opps/Women's Rights
522Cabinet MembersEstates & PropertyIn Councils that have opted for an Executive/Cabinet System. Elected person with responsibility for Estates, Facilities and Property owned by the Council
523Cabinet MembersFinanceIn Councils that have opted for an Executive/Cabinet System. Elected person with responsibility for Finance and Financial Management of the Council
524Cabinet MembersFire ServiceIn Councils that have opted for an Executive/Cabinet System. Elected person with responsibility for the Local Fire Service
817Cabinet MembersGeological DisposalIn Councils that have opted for an Executive/Cabinet System. Elected person with responsibility for Geological Disposal
525Cabinet MembersHealthIn Councils that have opted for an Executive/Cabinet System. Elected person with responsibility for Public Health
526Cabinet MembersHighwaysIn Councils that have opted for an Executive/Cabinet System. Elected person with responsibility for Highways Planning, Maintenance and Traffic Management
527Cabinet MembersHousingIn Councils that have opted for an Executive/Cabinet System. Elected person with responsibility for Housing, Housing Management, Provision and Homelessness
528Cabinet MembersHuman ResourcesIn Councils that have opted for an Executive/Cabinet System. Elected person with responsibility for the management of Human Resources/Personnel within the Council
529Cabinet MembersInclusionIn Councils that have opted for an Executive/Cabinet System. Elected person with responsibility for Social and Community Inclusion
530Cabinet MembersITIn Councils that have opted for an Executive/Cabinet System. Elected person with responsibility for the management and strategy of the Council's IT and ICT systems
531Cabinet MembersLifelong LearningIn Councils that have opted for an Executive/Cabinet System. Elected person with responsibility for Adult Lifelong Learning
532Cabinet MembersNeighbourhoodIn Councils that have opted for an Executive/Cabinet System. Elected person with responsibility for Neighbourhood Services
533Cabinet MembersOlder PeopleIn Councils that have opted for an Executive/Cabinet System. Elected person with responsibility for the care and support of older people
534Cabinet MembersOrganisational DevptIn Councils that have opted for an Executive/Cabinet System. Elected person with responsibility for the strategic and policies connected with the development of the organisation
546Cabinet MembersOtherIn Councils that have opted for an Executive/Cabinet System. Elected person with other/non specified responsibilities
535Cabinet MembersPartnershipsIn Councils that have opted for an Executive/Cabinet System. Elected person with responsibility for the development, management and assessment of Partnerships with external organisations
536Cabinet MembersPerformance MngmntIn Councils that have opted for an Executive/Cabinet System. Elected person with responsibility for monitoring the performance of the Council, including from quality and financial perspectives
537Cabinet MembersPhysical PlanningIn Councils that have opted for an Executive/Cabinet System. Elected person with responsibility for the processing of planning applications, taking account of the council policies and environmental considerations
538Cabinet MembersPolicy/StrategyIn Councils that have opted for an Executive/Cabinet System. Elected person with responsibility for Policies and Strategies connected with the improvement of the Council
539Cabinet MembersRecreation & LeisureIn Councils that have opted for an Executive/Cabinet System. Elected person with responsibility for Recreation & Leisure Services, including encouraging Sports and managing Leisure Centres
540Cabinet MembersRegenerationIn Councils that have opted for an Executive/Cabinet System. Elected person with responsibility for Economic Regeneration within the Councils area
541Cabinet MembersResourcesIn Councils that have opted for an Executive/Cabinet System. Elected person with responsibility for the management and deployment of Council Resources
542Cabinet MembersTrading StandardsIn Councils that have opted for an Executive/Cabinet System. Elected person with responsibility for protecting the public/consumers by ensuring businesses are trading fairly
543Cabinet MembersTransportIn Councils that have opted for an Executive/Cabinet System. Elected person with responsibility for Transport Planning and Strategy, including Public Transport
544Cabinet MembersWaste/RecyclingIn Councils that have opted for an Executive/Cabinet System. Elected person with responsibility for Waste Collection, Management, Disposal and Recycling
545Cabinet MembersYouthIn Councils that have opted for an Executive/Cabinet System. Elected person with responsibility for strategies around and services to Young People
77Childrens ServicesAdmin/Management/Support ServicesProvide support in running the department, could be Information Management/Strategic Development/Co-ordination of Resources/Paperwork etc
78Childrens ServicesArea/District OfficerUsually based at other/satellite offices responsible for child social care service provision in a defined area
79Childrens ServicesChildrens Services - LiteracyResponsible for the assessment and improvement of the literacy of children within state schools.
80Childrens ServicesEducational GrantsFinancial support for students within Education (including Further Education) - includes grants for clothes/travel/food etc
81Childrens ServicesEducational StrategyResponsible for monitoring the quality of Education provided by the department and developing new and better ways to provide services.
82Childrens ServicesFamily ServicesAssessment and support of families to ensure the health and welfare of children and young people
83Childrens ServicesFostering/AdoptionHelping Children who are unable to be with their own parents through assessment for adoption (taking on a child full time) and fostering (looking after a child on behalf of a Local Authority). This may include advice, support and finance.
84Childrens ServicesManagement of Own Care ServicesResponsible for the management of the organisations/departments own care facilities
775Childrens ServicesOccupational TherapyResponsible for assessing and providing information, advice and support for young people coping with disabilities at home, helping them to be more independent.
85Childrens ServicesOther EducationalResponsible for a non specified element of the departments/schools education services
86Childrens ServicesOverall ResponsibilityThe Director or equivalent of the Department responsible for Childrens Education and Social Care - in most Local Authorities, Education and Childrens Social Care all fall within one Department
87Childrens ServicesPhysical DisabilitiesAssessment of need and support at home (via home alterations/equipment/meals/visits etc) and via day/respite/nursing and residential care.
88Childrens ServicesPlanning/DevelopmentResponsible for the strategic development of Childrens Services
89Childrens ServicesPre-School / Early YearsProvide information and advice to parents regarding nurseries/playgroups and childcare. Often includes support and training for providers of these services.
90Childrens ServicesPsychologyStatutory requirement for Local Authorities to assess and provide support for children where they have been identified as having special educational needs (SEN).
91Childrens ServicesPupil AssessmentIndentify and support those children that have problems with accessing education - eg physical disabilities or medical needs.
92Childrens ServicesQuality AssuranceMonitoring the services provided by the department, may involve dealing with complaints
93Childrens ServicesResearch and InformationResponsible for the collation and strategic use of data and other information collected regarding the departments services and the public.
94Childrens ServicesSchool AdmissionsConcerned with offering and allocating places within state schools for children up to 16 - including dealing with appeals and statuary responsibilities
95Childrens ServicesSchool Travel PlanningResponsible for planning and co-ordinating transport to get children to school though 'travel plans' - may include promotion of green/healthy alternatives - eg cycling/walking.
96Childrens ServicesSchools InspectionVisiting schools to report on their level of service/education. Done by ESTYN (Wales) HMIE (Scotland) OFSTED (England). These reports may be followed up by inspections by the Local Authorities.
97Childrens ServicesSocial CareResponsible for all/some areas of Children's Social Care
98Childrens ServicesSpecial Educational NeedsCo-ordinating the support of children who have some form of learning difficulty and require additional help learning. All Schools have a Special Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) and help may be provided through extra or different lessons
99Childrens ServicesSubstance MisuseDevelop strategies to reduce alcohol and drug usage/dependency. Including through intervention, education and awareness raising.
756Childrens ServicesVirtual HeadteacherContacts in Local Government supporting and providing Education for Children and Young People in Care
100Childrens ServicesWelfareProvide advice and support to schools, children their families where there are social or emotional problems affecting school attendance or education in general
101Childrens ServicesYouth OffendingService provided by Councils/Police/Courts and the Probation Service. Developing strategies to help young people avoid breaking the law, or repeating offences.
102CommunicationsCall CentreCo-ordinating the organisations call/contact centre - used to deal with inbound enquiries from the Public for common services - Benefits/Waste Management/Environmental Health etc
103CommunicationsHealth PromotionPromoting healthier lifestyles to the public, including advice and support on Diet, Exercise, Alcohol and Tobacco control etc
104CommunicationsInternational Relations/MarketingPromoting the organisation (College or University) to international students and developing networks of educational institutions around the world
105CommunicationsPublic Relations/MarketingPromoting the image and services provided by the organisation
681Dual MembershipCounty/DistrictElected Councillor within Local Government working for both a County and District Council
682Dual MembershipCounty/UnitaryElected Councillor within Local Government working for both a County and Unitary Council
683Dual MembershipDistrict/CountyElected Councillor within Local Government working for both a District and County Council
684Dual MembershipDistrict/UnitaryElected Councillor within Local Government working for both a District and Unitary Council
685Dual MembershipGLA/London BoroughElected Councillor within Local Government working for both the GLA and a London Borough
686Dual MembershipLondon Borough/GLAElected Councillor within Local Government working for both a London Borough and the GLA
687Dual MembershipUnitary/CountyElected Councillor within Local Government working for both a Unitary and County Council
688Dual MembershipUnitary/DistrictElected Councillor within Local Government working for both a Unitary and District Council
112Economic DevelopmentEconomic Development - Business ServicesProviding support, guidance and incentives to help Businesses develop and grow
801Economic DevelopmentEconomic Development - Digital InclusionInvestment and planning around providing inclusive access to the internet and IT and the provision of broadband and high speed internet connections
107Economic DevelopmentEconomic Development - Education Training & CareersResponsible for the transferred services from Connexions and helping young people find appropriate Education and Training for the workplace and to connect them with employers.
108Economic DevelopmentEconomic Development - Inward InvestmentResponsible for attracting foreign investment into the UK
106Economic DevelopmentEconomic Development - PlanningThe development of economic policies and related action programmes which aim to create employment, attract businesses into the area and provide training.
109Economic DevelopmentEconomic Development - RegenerationResponsible for fostering and developing Economic Growth through Business and Community Support via guidance, financial incentives and investment
110Economic DevelopmentEconomic Development - ResearchResponsible for the Research and Development of policies and strategies to promote economic development in the area covered by the organisation, or across the whole UK
111Economic DevelopmentEconomic Development - Rural ServicesResponsible for providing targeted support and guidance for businesses and communities in rural areas
113Economic DevelopmentIndustrial DevelopmentOverseeing and management of primarily local authority owned industrial estates and property.
114EducationAcademic ServicesResponsible for the provision of Education, or a particular subject area(s) within Colleges and Universities
120EducationAcademic Services - AccountancyDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Accountancy Courses
121EducationAcademic Services - Adult/Community EducationDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Adult/Community Education Courses
122EducationAcademic Services - Agriculture/Land Based StudiesDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Agriculture/Land Based Studies Courses
123EducationAcademic Services - AnthropologyDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Anthropology Courses
124EducationAcademic Services - ArchaeologyDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Archaeology Courses
125EducationAcademic Services - ArchitectureDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Architecture Courses
126EducationAcademic Services - Arts/Creative StudiesDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Arts/Creative Studies Courses
127EducationAcademic Services - Beauty/HairdressingDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Beauty/Hairdressing Courses
128EducationAcademic Services - BiosciencesDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Biosciences Courses
129EducationAcademic Services - BotanyDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Botany Courses
130EducationAcademic Services - Business/ManagementDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Business/Management Courses
131EducationAcademic Services - ChemistryDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Chemistry Courses
132EducationAcademic Services - ClassicsDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Classics
115EducationAcademic Services - ComputingDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Computing/IT Courses
133EducationAcademic Services - ConstructionDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Construction Courses
134EducationAcademic Services - Cultural StudiesDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Cultural Studies Courses
135EducationAcademic Services - DefenceDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Defence Courses
136EducationAcademic Services - DentistryDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Dentistry Courses
137EducationAcademic Services - DesignDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Design Courses
839EducationAcademic Services - DigitalDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Digital Courses
138EducationAcademic Services - Divinity/ReligionDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Divinity/Religion Courses
139EducationAcademic Services - EconomicsDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Economics Courses
140EducationAcademic Services - EducationDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Education Courses
190EducationAcademic Services - eLearningContacts within Further and Higher Education responsible for the provision of courses electronically
141EducationAcademic Services - ElectronicsDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Electronics Courses
142EducationAcademic Services - EngineeringDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Engineering Courses
143EducationAcademic Services - EnglishDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering English Courses
144EducationAcademic Services - EnvironmentDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Environment Courses
145EducationAcademic Services - Food TechnologyDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Food Technology Courses
146EducationAcademic Services - Foundation StudiesDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Foundation Studies Courses
147EducationAcademic Services - GeographyDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Geography Courses
148EducationAcademic Services - GeologyDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Geology Courses
119EducationAcademic Services - Head of DepartmentHead of an Academic Department within a College or University
118EducationAcademic Services - Head of Faculty/DepartmentHead of Faculty/Department within a College or University
149EducationAcademic Services - Health/CareDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Health/Care Courses
150EducationAcademic Services - HistoryDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering History Courses
151EducationAcademic Services - Horticulture/GardeningDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Horticulture/Gardening Courses
152EducationAcademic Services - HospitalityDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Hospitality Courses
153EducationAcademic Services - HumanitiesDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Humanities Courses
154EducationAcademic Services - LawDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Law Courses
155EducationAcademic Services - Life SciencesDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Life Sciences Courses
156EducationAcademic Services - Marketing StudiesDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Marketing Studies Courses
157EducationAcademic Services - Mathematics/StatisticsDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Mathematics/Statistics Courses
158EducationAcademic Services - MediaDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Media Courses
159EducationAcademic Services - MedicineDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Medicine Courses
160EducationAcademic Services - MidwiferyDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Midwifery Courses
161EducationAcademic Services - MiningDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Mining Courses
162EducationAcademic Services - Modern LanguagesDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Modern Languages Courses
116EducationAcademic Services - MusicDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Music Courses
163EducationAcademic Services - NursingDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Nursing Courses
164EducationAcademic Services - Other Department SpecialityDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Other Department or Speciality Courses
165EducationAcademic Services - Performing Arts/DramaDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Performing Arts/Drama Courses
803EducationAcademic Services - PGCEDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering training graduates to become Teacher
166EducationAcademic Services - Pharmaceutical StudiesDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Pharmaceutical Studies Courses
167EducationAcademic Services - PhilosophyDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Philosophy Courses
168EducationAcademic Services - Physical SciencesDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Physical Sciences Courses
169EducationAcademic Services - PhysicsDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Physics Courses
170EducationAcademic Services - Planning (Town/Transport etc)Department Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Planning (Town/Transport etc) Courses
171EducationAcademic Services - PoliticsDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Politics Courses
172EducationAcademic Services - Postgraduate StudiesDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Postgraduate Courses
173EducationAcademic Services - PsychiatryDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Psychiatry Courses
174EducationAcademic Services - PsychologyDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Psychology Courses
175EducationAcademic Services - Recreation/LeisureDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Recreation/Leisure Courses
117EducationAcademic Services - RegistryResponsible for compiling, maintaining and providing information relating to students, staff and courses within Colleges and Universities
176EducationAcademic Services - ScienceDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Science Courses
177EducationAcademic Services - Sixth Form StudiesDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Sixth Form Studies Courses
178EducationAcademic Services - Social SciencesDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Social Sciences Courses
179EducationAcademic Services - SociologyDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Sociology Courses
180EducationAcademic Services - SportDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Sport Courses
181EducationAcademic Services - TechnologyDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Technology Courses
182EducationAcademic Services - TourismDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Tourism Courses
183EducationAcademic Services - Veterinary SciencesDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Veterinary Sciences Courses
184EducationAcademic Services - Vocational StudiesDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Vocational Studies Courses
185EducationAcademic Services - ZoologyDepartment Head of Senior Lecturer in a College or University covering Zoology Courses
771EducationExecutive HeadteacherHead Teachers who work across multiple Schools to help and support their improvement. Can either be the actual part time Heads of those Schools, working with 'Associate Heads', or is a full time head in one School and works with other Head Teachers.
186EducationStudent Services - AdmissionsDeals with inquiries from potential students wishing to enter the College or University
187EducationStudent Services - Careers AdviceProvide advice and guidance to Students within Colleges and Universities
188EducationStudent Services - Lifelong LearningProvide learning opportunities for mature students - can include part time and distance learning courses.
191EducationStudent Services - Medical CentreResponsible for providing basic medical care within Colleges and Universities
192EducationStudent Services - Student UnionStaff members of the Student Unions within Colleges and Universities
189EducationStudent Services - Welfare/SupportOffering support and guidance to students within Colleges and Universities - this can take the form of financial support, counseling, help with child care etc
700EducationStudent Services - Widening ParticipationResponsible for developing and implementing strategies and policies to broaden inclusion within Higher Education from all social groups - including mature students, socially disadvantaged and minority groups
193EmergencyEmergency PlanningPlanning for and co-ordination of emergency services and related services to deal with disasters and major problems.
194EmergencyEmergency ServicesContacts working within the three Emergency Services
195EmergencyFire ServiceA few County Councils operate the local fire service. In most areas a Fire Authority covering an area larger than a county operates the service.
196EnvironmentalContaminated LandResponsible for the classification and management of contaminated land and associated issues
197EnvironmentalCountryside ServicesResponsible for the management of the Countryside, including the conservation of wildlife, ecology, historical and natural resources.
198EnvironmentalEnvironmental HealthUndertaking all the environmental health functions laid down by statute.
199EnvironmentalEnvironmental Health - Food SafetyResponsible for the inspection of businesses preparing, manufacturing, catering, or retailing of food. May also provide some licenses.
200EnvironmentalEnvironmental Services - Overall ResponsibilityThe top contact for the environment department - primarily within Local Authorities
776EnvironmentalFlood RiskResponsible for developing strategies to deal with local flood risks. Includes liaising with other departments such as Emergency Planning and external bodies such as the Environment Agency.
816EnvironmentalGeological DisposalOfficer or Elected Representative in Councils involved witht he planning around the the geological disposal of hazardous or nuclear waste
201EnvironmentalGreen/Conservation/SustainabilityDevelopment of environmental policies and programmes for in-house action and application to services provided by the authority within Local Government and Climate Change/Net Zero related strategies within Central Government
802EnvironmentalMineral PlanningResponsible for assessing
202EnvironmentalRecycling Education/PromotionDeveloping strategies to promote the benefits of recycling to the public and into schools.
203EnvironmentalRefuse CollectionDomestic and industrial collection. Often limited to managing contracts with private companies and dealing with the public.
204EnvironmentalRefuse DisposalManagement and operation of incinerators, tipping sites and offshore disposal.
205EnvironmentalSewerageDealing with the maintenance of piped sewerage systems. May be restricted to passing on enquiries as sewerage systems are often the responsibility of private water companies.
206EnvironmentalStreet CleaningPublic health function, including cleaning roads, subways, gutters and collecting litter
207EnvironmentalStreet SceneResponsible for developing and improving the ''pedestrian environment'' - covers the fixtures and fittings that facilitate its use - bus shelters/signage/planting etc
548Exec Cttee Chair/Convener/SpokesmanAdult ServicesIn smaller Councils that have opted for an Committee System. Elected person who Chairs the Committee with responsibility for Adult Health and Social Care
812Exec Cttee Chair/Convener/SpokesmanAuditIn smaller Councils that have opted for an Committee System. Elected person who Chairs the Committee with responsibility for Audit
549Exec Cttee Chair/Convener/SpokesmanChildrens ServicesIn smaller Councils that have opted for an Committee System. Elected person who Chairs the Committee with responsibility for Children's Health and Social Care
550Exec Cttee Chair/Convener/SpokesmanClimate StrategyIn smaller Councils that have opted for an Committee System. Elected person who Chairs the Committee with responsibility for Climate Strategy
551Exec Cttee Chair/Convener/SpokesmanCommunications/PRIn smaller Councils that have opted for an Committee System. Elected person who Chairs the Committee with responsibility for Communications/PR
552Exec Cttee Chair/Convener/SpokesmanCommunity DevelopmentIn smaller Councils that have opted for an Committee System. Elected person who Chairs the Committee with responsibility for Community Social Development
553Exec Cttee Chair/Convener/SpokesmanCommunity SafetyIn smaller Councils that have opted for an Committee System. Elected person who Chairs the Committee with responsibility for Community/Public Safety
554Exec Cttee Chair/Convener/SpokesmanCultural ServicesIn smaller Councils that have opted for an Committee System. Elected person who Chairs the Committee with responsibility for Museums, Libraries and other Cultural Services
555Exec Cttee Chair/Convener/Spokesmane-GovernmentIn smaller Councils that have opted for an Committee System. Elected person who Chairs the Committee with responsibility for implementing online/automated ways of providing public services utilising multi-media technologies
556Exec Cttee Chair/Convener/SpokesmanEmployment/SkillsIn smaller Councils that have opted for an Committee System. Elected person who Chairs the Committee with responsibility for Employment/Skills
557Exec Cttee Chair/Convener/SpokesmanEnvironmentIn smaller Councils that have opted for an Committee System. Elected person who Chairs the Committee with responsibility for issues concerning the Local Environment - may include Planning, Waste, Cleansing, Sustainability etc
558Exec Cttee Chair/Convener/SpokesmanEnvironmental HealthIn smaller Councils that have opted for an Committee System. Elected person who Chairs the Committee with responsibility for Environmental Health
559Exec Cttee Chair/Convener/SpokesmanEqual Opps/Womens RightsIn smaller Councils that have opted for an Committee System. Elected person who Chairs the Committee with responsibility for Equal Opps/Women's Rights
560Exec Cttee Chair/Convener/SpokesmanEstates & PropertyIn smaller Councils that have opted for an Committee System. Elected person who Chairs the Committee with responsibility for Estates, Facilities and Property owned by the Council
561Exec Cttee Chair/Convener/SpokesmanFinanceIn smaller Councils that have opted for an Committee System. Elected person who Chairs the Committee with responsibility for Finance and Financial Management of the Council
562Exec Cttee Chair/Convener/SpokesmanFire ServiceIn smaller Councils that have opted for an Committee System. Elected person who Chairs the Committee with responsibility for the Local Fire Service
818Exec Cttee Chair/Convener/SpokesmanGeological DisposalIn smaller Councils that have opted for an Committee System. Elected person who Chairs the Committee with responsibility for Geological Disposal
563Exec Cttee Chair/Convener/SpokesmanHealthIn smaller Councils that have opted for an Committee System. Elected person who Chairs the Committee with responsibility for Public Health
564Exec Cttee Chair/Convener/SpokesmanHighwaysIn smaller Councils that have opted for an Committee System. Elected person who Chairs the Committee with responsibility for Highways Planning, Maintenance and Traffic Management
565Exec Cttee Chair/Convener/SpokesmanHousingIn smaller Councils that have opted for an Committee System. Elected person who Chairs the Committee with responsibility for Housing, Housing Management, Provision and Homelessness
566Exec Cttee Chair/Convener/SpokesmanHuman ResourcesIn smaller Councils that have opted for an Committee System. Elected person who Chairs the Committee with responsibility for the management of Human Resources/Personnel within the Council
567Exec Cttee Chair/Convener/SpokesmanInclusionIn smaller Councils that have opted for an Committee System. Elected person who Chairs the Committee with responsibility for Social and Community Inclusion
568Exec Cttee Chair/Convener/SpokesmanITIn smaller Councils that have opted for an Committee System. Elected person who Chairs the Committee with responsibility for the management and strategy of the Council's IT and ICT systems
569Exec Cttee Chair/Convener/SpokesmanLifelong LearningIn smaller Councils that have opted for an Committee System. Elected person who Chairs the Committee with responsibility for Adult Lifelong Learning
570Exec Cttee Chair/Convener/SpokesmanLocal AreaIn smaller Councils that have opted for an Committee System. Elected person who Chairs the Committee with responsibility for the Local Area
571Exec Cttee Chair/Convener/SpokesmanNeighbourhoodIn smaller Councils that have opted for an Committee System. Elected person who Chairs the Committee with responsibility for Neighbourhood Services
572Exec Cttee Chair/Convener/SpokesmanOlder PeopleIn smaller Councils that have opted for an Committee System. Elected person who Chairs the Committee with responsibility for the Care and Support of Older People
573Exec Cttee Chair/Convener/SpokesmanOrganisational DevptIn smaller Councils that have opted for an Committee System. Elected person who Chairs the Committee with responsibility for the strategic and policies connected with the development of the organisation
585Exec Cttee Chair/Convener/SpokesmanOther Committee Chair/ConvenerIn smaller Councils that have opted for an Committee System. Elected person who Chairs the Committee with other/non specified responsibilities
574Exec Cttee Chair/Convener/SpokesmanPartnershipsIn smaller Councils that have opted for an Committee System. Elected person who Chairs the Committee with responsibility for the development, management and assessment of Partnerships with external organisations
575Exec Cttee Chair/Convener/SpokesmanPerformance ManagementIn smaller Councils that have opted for an Committee System. Elected person who Chairs the Committee with responsibility for monitoring the performance of the Council, including from quality and financial perspectives
576Exec Cttee Chair/Convener/SpokesmanPhysical PlanningIn smaller Councils that have opted for an Committee System. Elected person who Chairs the Committee with responsibility for the processing of planning applications, taking account of the council policies and environmental considerations
577Exec Cttee Chair/Convener/SpokesmanPolicy/StrategyIn smaller Councils that have opted for an Committee System. Elected person who Chairs the Committee with responsibility for Policies and Strategies connected with the improvement of the Council
578Exec Cttee Chair/Convener/SpokesmanRecreation & LeisureIn smaller Councils that have opted for an Committee System. Elected person who Chairs the Committee with responsibility for Recreation & Leisure Services, including encouraging Sports and managing Leisure Centres
579Exec Cttee Chair/Convener/SpokesmanRegenerationIn smaller Councils that have opted for an Committee System. Elected person who Chairs the Committee with responsibility for Economic Regeneration within the Councils area
580Exec Cttee Chair/Convener/SpokesmanResourcesIn smaller Councils that have opted for an Committee System. Elected person who Chairs the Committee with responsibility for the management and deployment of Council Resources
581Exec Cttee Chair/Convener/SpokesmanTrading StandardsIn smaller Councils that have opted for an Committee System. Elected person who Chairs the Committee with responsibility for protecting the public/consumers by ensuring businesses are trading fairly
582Exec Cttee Chair/Convener/SpokesmanTransportIn smaller Councils that have opted for an Committee System. Elected person who Chairs the Committee with responsibility for Transport Planning and Strategy, including Public Transport
583Exec Cttee Chair/Convener/SpokesmanWaste/RecyclingIn smaller Councils that have opted for an Committee System. Elected person who Chairs the Committee with responsibility for Waste Collection, Management, Disposal and Recycling
584Exec Cttee Chair/Convener/SpokesmanYouthIn smaller Councils that have opted for an Committee System. Elected person who Chairs the Committee with responsibility for strategies around and services to Young People
208FinancialAdult Services - FinanceResponsibility for finance and accounts related issues for the adult services department in councils
209FinancialCentral Audit ServicesFinancial audit and fraud investigation of all services.
210FinancialCentral Financial ServicesOverall responsibility for financial services in the organisation
211FinancialCentral Financial Services - AccountingManages central, departmental and service accounts.
212FinancialCentral Financial Services - PayrollResponsible for ensuring wages are paid on time and in accordance with statutory regulations
213FinancialCentral Financial Services - PensionsResponsible for running the organisations Pension Scheme - includes ensuring legal compliance, investments and dealing with claims.
214FinancialCentral Financial Services - RevenuesBilling/Collection and recovery of local taxes and other income
754FinancialCentral Financial Services - Statutory ChiefStatutory Post. The most senior person within Councils with overall responsibility for Finance and Financial Management
215FinancialChildrens Services - FinanceResponsibility for Finance and Accounts related issues for the Childrens Services department in Councils
216FinancialCouncil Tax/Rating/ValuationThe management and collection of local taxes by councils. Bandings in England are set by Central Government.
217FinancialDepartmental FinanceResponsible for day-to-day operation of departmental accounts. Usually in accordance with budgets and processes laid down by the central finance department
218FinancialFraud ControlResponsible for assessing and investigating benefit claims that are suspected of being fraudulent
219FinancialHousing - BenefitsAdministration of housing benefit payments to the public.
220FinancialInsurance ServicesProcures and maintains insurance cover for the organisations insurable risks - professional indemnity, property, vehicles etc
419First Elected1994Person first elected to position in 1994
420First Elected1995Person first elected to position in 1995
421First Elected1996Person first elected to position in 1996
422First Elected1997Person first elected to position in 1997
757First Elected1998Person first elected to position in 1998
423First Elected1999Person first elected to position in 1999
424First Elected2000Person first elected to position in 2000
425First Elected2001Person first elected to position in 2001
426First Elected2002Person first elected to position in 2002
427First Elected2003Person first elected to position in 2003
428First Elected2004Person first elected to position in 2004
429First Elected2005Person first elected to position in 2005
430First Elected2006Person first elected to position in 2006
431First Elected2007Person first elected to position in 2007
432First Elected2008Person first elected to position in 2008
433First Elected2009Person first elected to position in 2009
434First Elected2010Person first elected to position in 2010
760First Elected2011Person first elected to position in 2011
772First Elected2012Person first elected to position in 2012
777First Elected2013Person first elected to position in 2013
796First Elected2014Person first elected to position in 2014
800First Elected2015Person first elected to position in 2015
804First Elected2016Person first elected to position in 2016
807First Elected2017Person first elected to position in 2017
814First Elected2018Person first elected to position in 2018
827First Elected2019Person first elected to position in 2019
835First Elected2020Person first elected to position in 2020
841First Elected2021Person first elected to position in 2021
844First Elected2022Person first elected to position in 2022
851First Elected2023Person first elected to position in 2023
852First Elected2024Person first elected to position in 2024
853First Elected2025Person first elected to position in 2025
221FoodCateringManagement and running of the organisations restaurants; cafes; bars; etc. and contracts with outside caterers.
222FoodChildrens Services - Schools CateringProvide catering training and manage contracts for the provision of food into Local Authority run Schools.
691GenderFemaleGender of local and nationally elected representatives
690GenderMaleGender of local and nationally elected representatives
842GenderOtherGender of local and nationally elected representatives
850HealthScientific ServicesResponsible for Scientific analysis and advice connected with the organisation and services to the public
223HealthBlood ServicesResponsible for the collection and distribution of blood within the NHS
838HealthBranch SurgeryOther Surgery sites that are part of the GP Practice
228HealthCare Home Inspection and RegistrationResponsible for the Inspection and Registration of Privately managed/run Care and Nursing Homes.
752HealthCemeteries and CrematoriaResponsible for the management and maintenance of Local Authority run Cemeteries and Crematoria
224HealthCleansingCleaning of public facilities - toilets
225HealthClinical GovernanceEnsure that NHS organisations are maintaining/improving their standard of care - often through audits and reviews of patient experiences.
226HealthCommunity SafetyResponsibility for public safety; mainly in public places.
240HealthCommunity Safety - Anti Social BehaviourResponsible for monitoring and reducing anti-social behaviour. Police and Local Authorities work together with the Police having the power to obtain anti-social behaviour orders (ASBO's)
233HealthDirectorate Nursing ManagementResponsible for Nursing functions within the NHS, specifically working within a clinical department/ward
837HealthGPGeneral Practitioner - Community based Doctor based at a GP Practice
239HealthHealth VisitingWorking with mothers of young children, providing welfare advice and support eg physical safety, feeding etc. In addition may involve providing support to people with disabilities or long term illness.
758HealthHospitalAddresses and contact details of Individual NHS Trust run Hospitals.
229HealthInfection ControlResponsible for developing and implementing infection protection and control measures within NHS Hospitals/Clinics.
230HealthMatronSenior Nursing Contact within the NHS, responsible for ensuring the efficient and effective management of care on Hospital Wards
231HealthMedical ServicesResponsible for co-ordinating and developing the Medical/Clinical functions provided by organisation
805HealthMidwifeA specialist in pregnancy, childbirth and womens reproductive and sexual health
232HealthNursing ServicesResponsible for managing and co-ordinating the various nursing functions within both primary and secondary (acute) care. Includes Clinical Governance, which will often be monitored in conjunction with the Medical Services department
755HealthPatient Advice and Liaison ServiceResponsible for dealing with complaints and providing support and advice to patients and members of the public
234HealthPatient SafetyMonitor patient experience and clinical outcomes to identify and reduce risk, includes managing the quality of commissioned/contracted services.
8HealthPractice ManagerThe person that manages the running of GP Practices
235HealthPrimary CareResponsible for part or all of the provision of 'Primary Care' services - GP Surgeries/Walk-in Centres/Dentists/Optometry Practices
236HealthProvider ServicesServices aimed at preventing admission to hospital through improving the public's health and wellbeing. Includes alternatives to hospitalisation such as external care and rehabilitation.
237HealthPublic HealthResponsible for improving the health of the public within Local Government and the NHS. Can include planning, monitoring health trends, encouraging healthy lifestyles and diet, protecting the public from infectious diseases and enforcing food safety.
242HealthPublic Health - Drug and Alcohol MisusePromoting the benefits of reducing drug and alcohol consumption and reducing the instances of related illness
774HealthPublic Health - OverallDirectors or Heads of Public Health within Local Government, following the transfer of services from PCTs. Responsible for monitoring and improving the health and well-being of the public.
241HealthPublic Health - Smoking CessationResponsible for promoting the benefits of not smoking and providing support to people wishing to stop
759HealthRegistered Care Home OwnerThe owner of a Care Home
7HealthSenior GPMost Senior GP within a Practice
238HealthSterile Services 
778HealthTheatre ManagementResponsible for scheduling the use of Hospitals operating theatres and ensuring all equipment and staff are available when needed.
243Heritage/MuseumsMuseums & Art GalleriesOverall and day-to-day management of publicly run/owned Museums and Galleries
244HousingCare/Support/HomelessnessSupport for the public and tenants, including in Local Authorities the statutory responsibility for finding homes for vulnerable people
245HousingDevelopmentThe building of new housing.
252HousingFoyer ManagementResponsible for the development and management of Housing and Support for Young People.
253HousingLettingsResponsible for the Management of Letting/Renting properties owned by the organisation.
246HousingMaintenanceMaintenance and repair of organisations housing stock - primarily Housing Associations and Local Authorities
247HousingManagement/Tenant ServicesLettings, tenant enquiries, support and general management of the organisations housing stock.
248HousingOtherOther Housing Managers/Officers
249HousingOverall ResponsibilityThe Director of Housing/equivalent - the top contact for the Housing Department within Local Authorities
250HousingPrivate SectorResponsible for monitoring and regulating the building of new houses, including general tenant conditions
251HousingRegenerationResponsible for the improvement of Social Housing Stock within Housing Associations and Local Authorities
254IT/ComputingAdult Services - IT/ComputingResponsible for IT support/management within adult social care departments
255IT/ComputingCentral ComputingIn charge of in-house IT for the whole organisation and management of contracts with outsourced/contracted IT. Responsible for corporate policies and related purchasing.
257IT/ComputingCentral Computing - Departmental SupportProvides IT support to departments. May include departmental IT purchasing.
259IT/ComputingCentral Computing - Information ManagementResponsible for managing, and in some cases providing, data and other electronic information
256IT/ComputingCentral Computing - InternetResponsible for the development of the organisations website.
258IT/ComputingCentral Computing - SecurityInvolved with ensuring networks and computer systems are optimised to avoid viruses, theft and other forms of damage
260IT/ComputingChildrens Services - IT/ComputingResponsible for IT support/management within the children's service departments
261IT/ComputingChildrens Services - Schools ITCo-ordinating IT systems and strategy across the Schools under Local Authority control
282IT/ComputingDatabase ManagementResponsible for the management and running of the organisations database(s)
262IT/ComputingDepartmental ComputingSupport and development of individual departments IT/ICT; may include management of LANs; buying hardware and software and staff support.
264IT/ComputingDepartmental Computing - Admin ServicesPerson with responsibility/influence for the ICT functions of the Admin Services Department
265IT/ComputingDepartmental Computing - Architectural ServicesPerson with responsibility/influence for the ICT functions of the Architectural Services Department
266IT/ComputingDepartmental Computing - Building ControlPerson with responsibility/influence for the ICT functions of the Building Control Department
267IT/ComputingDepartmental Computing - Central PurchasingPerson with responsibility/influence for the ICT functions of the Central Purchasing Department
263IT/ComputingDepartmental Computing - Chief ExecutivePerson with responsibility/influence for the ICT functions of the Chief Executive Department
268IT/ComputingDepartmental Computing - Direct ServicesPerson with responsibility/influence for the ICT functions of the Direct Services Department
269IT/ComputingDepartmental Computing - Economic DevPerson with responsibility/influence for the ICT functions of the Economic Dev Department
270IT/ComputingDepartmental Computing - Environmental HealthPerson with responsibility/influence for the ICT functions of the Environmental Health Department
271IT/ComputingDepartmental Computing - Estates & PropertyPerson with responsibility/influence for the ICT functions of the Estates & Property Department
272IT/ComputingDepartmental Computing - Financial ServicesPerson with responsibility/influence for the ICT functions of the Financial Services Department
273IT/ComputingDepartmental Computing - Highways ClientPerson with responsibility/influence for the ICT functions of the Highways Client Department
274IT/ComputingDepartmental Computing - Highways ContractorPerson with responsibility/influence for the ICT functions of the Highways Contractor Department
275IT/ComputingDepartmental Computing - HousingPerson with responsibility/influence for the ICT functions of the Housing Department
276IT/ComputingDepartmental Computing - Legal ServicesPerson with responsibility/influence for the ICT functions of the Legal Services Department
277IT/ComputingDepartmental Computing - LibrariesPerson with responsibility/influence for the ICT functions of the Libraries Department
279IT/ComputingDepartmental Computing - Personnel ServicesPerson with responsibility/influence for the ICT functions of the Personnel Services Department
278IT/ComputingDepartmental Computing - PlanningPerson with responsibility/influence for the ICT functions of the Planning Department
280IT/ComputingDepartmental Computing - Recreation/LeisurePerson with responsibility/influence for the ICT functions of the Recreation/Leisure Department
281IT/ComputingDepartmental Computing - Technical ServicesPerson with responsibility/influence for the ICT functions of the Technical Services Department
283IT/ComputingeGovernment & AIResponsible for implementing and improving digital and automated ways of providing public services utilising multi-media technologies and artificial intelligence
284IT/ComputingG.I.S.''Geographic Information System'' - used for mapping / planning
285IT/ComputingNetwork ManagementManages departmental / organisation wide computer network(s)
286IT/ComputingTelecommunicationsOverseeing telecommunications facilities and bought-in services.
287Land/Property/EstatesCCTVResponsible for the implementation and maintenance of Closed Circuit TeleVision systems, primarily used for security.
288Land/Property/EstatesChildrens Services - School EstatesResponsible for the management and maintenance of School buildings/property under Local Authority control
289Land/Property/EstatesDomestic ServicesOversee the cleaning and maintenance of hospitals - includes laundry/repairs/maintenance of furnishings etc
290Land/Property/EstatesEnergy ManagementManagement of the use of energy by the organisation
291Land/Property/EstatesFacilities/Property ManagementOverall and day-to-day management of all kinds of property owned by the organisation. Depending on the organisation type can include offices, depots, hospitals, classrooms, public buildings, smallholdings and farms, etc.
292Land/Property/EstatesFleet/Transport ManagementManagement of the organisations cars, vans, buses and other vehicles. May include maintenance on site, or the management of service providers
293Land/Property/EstatesHealth and Safety (Internal)Internal implementation of legislative requirements concerned with the safety of employees and members of the public within publicly run/owned buildings
294Land/Property/EstatesHospital ManagementOperational responsibility for managing assets and resources for individual hospitals
295Land/Property/EstatesLaundry ServicesSpecific element of Domestic Services within the NHS - responsible for cleaning bedding, theatre linen and patients clothing
296Land/Property/EstatesSecurityResponsible for the safety of property, facilities and personnel.
297Land/Property/EstatesStudent Services - AccommodationManage and provide accommodation for students within colleges and universities. This includes the organisations own accommodation and providing advice, support and information regarding 'off campus' housing options
298Legal/Law and OrderCentral Legal ServicesAll kinds of in-house and outsourced legal work.
299Legal/Law and OrderChildrens Services - LegalContacts responsible for Legal Issues within the Childrens Services/Education departments
300Library/InformationArchivesManage, file, store and retrieve archive material relating to the administrative area covered by the organisation
301Library/InformationCaldicott GuardianResponsible for protecting the confidentiality of patient information within the NHS
302Library/InformationLibrary ServicesManagement of the organisations Libraries - this includes management of branch and central libraries in the case of Local Authorities
304Library/InformationLibrary Services - BranchAddresses and contact details of Individual Council run Branch Libraries. Many are managed in groups, so not all have a named manager/senior librarian
305Library/InformationLibrary Services - Business/ReferenceManagement of business and reference sections/libraries owned/run by the organisation
303Library/InformationLibrary Services - OverallThe person with Overall responsibility for the Councils Library Services
306Library/InformationResearch/Information/Records MgmntManagement, development and research of in-house records and information services and systems.
492Mayors/Leaders/ChairmenExecutive MayorMost senior directly elected person on the Council. Responsible for running day to day services and serve a 4 year term. Appointed in a number of large cities in the UK.
493Mayors/Leaders/ChairmenCouncil Chairman/Mayor/ProvostNon Political role, often fulfilled by elected councillors for a one year term, to fulfil ceremonial and civic duties
494Mayors/Leaders/ChairmenDeputy Chairman/Mayor/ProvostNon Political role, often fulfilled by elected councillors for a one year term, to fulfil ceremonial and civic duties
495Mayors/Leaders/ChairmenLeader of the Council (Outright)Most senior elected person on the Council. Where one party is in charge of a Council/has the majority of seats, the elected leader of the party/group is the Council Leader
496Mayors/Leaders/ChairmenLeader of the Council (NOC)Most senior Elected person on the Council. Where no one party has control of a Council/there is no majority of seats, the leader of the Council is chosen/elected, usually from the party with the most seats
502Mayors/Leaders/ChairmenDeputy Leader of Council (Outright)Second most senior elected person on the Council. Where one party is in charge of a Council/has the majority of seats, the elected deputy leader of the party/group is the Deputy Council Leader
503Mayors/Leaders/ChairmenDeputy Leader of the Council (NOC)Second most senior Elected person on the Council. Where no one party has control of a Council/there is no majority of seats, the deputy leader of the Council is chosen/elected, usually from the party with the most seats
500Mayors/Leaders/ChairmenGroup LeaderThe elected leader of/most senior person within a political party in Local Government
501Mayors/Leaders/ChairmenDeputy Group LeaderThe elected deputy leader of/second most senior person within a political party in Local Government
499Mayors/Leaders/ChairmenOpposition/Minority Group LeaderThe elected leader of a political party in Local Government that is not in control of a council/is in opposition
506Mayors/Leaders/ChairmenOpposition/Minority Group Deputy LeaderThe elected deputy leader of a political party in Local Government that is not in control of a council/is in opposition
497Mayors/Leaders/ChairmenGoverning Group Leader (NOC)Within Councils where no individual party has a majority and there is a coalition in charge. The elected leader of the main party in the coalition
504Mayors/Leaders/ChairmenGoverning Group Deputy Leader (NOC)Within Councils where no individual party has a majority and there is a coalition in charge. The elected deputy leader of the main party in the coalition
498Mayors/Leaders/ChairmenMinority Governing Group Leader (NOC)Within Councils where no individual party has a majority and there is a coalition in charge. The elected leader of one of the smaller parties within the coalition.
505Mayors/Leaders/ChairmenMinority Governing Group Deputy Leader (NOC)Within Councils where no individual party has a majority and there is a coalition in charge. The elected deputy leader of one of the smaller parties within the coalition.
307Medical/ClinicalAccident and EmergencyTreatment of patients arriving in hospital with serious injuries or have developed a sudden illness/condition.
308Medical/ClinicalAcuteDealing with the immediate medical requirements of patients who come into hospital as emergency cases. Likely to include cardiology/endocrinology/respiratory medicine/older people services/gastroenterology
309Medical/ClinicalAnaestheticsResponsible for administering anesthetics (local/general/other nerve blockers) to patients , treatments for pain reduction, monitoring patients whilst under anesthetic and resisitation techniques.
770Medical/ClinicalAudiologyTesting and Assessment of issues and conditions associated with hearing and balance.
310Medical/ClinicalCardiothoracicAssessment, treatment and surgery of conditions and diseases affecting organs within the chest. Primarily the heart and lungs.
825Medical/ClinicalClinical Genetics
311Medical/ClinicalClinical LeadDepartment Director/Head responsible for one/many clinical functions
312Medical/ClinicalClinical SupportOrganising and co-ordinating the needs of clinical departments. Often works as a point of contacts between medical and management staff
313Medical/ClinicalCommunity CareServices to the community including health visiting, community nursing, rehabilitation and intermediate care.
794Medical/ClinicalConsultantHospital based senior Doctor leading a team within one or many medical, clinical, surgical or technical departments
314Medical/ClinicalCritical CareCare associated with patients with life-threatening illness or injury as a result of accidents, infections or surgery.
795Medical/ClinicalDiabetes and EndocrinologyResponsible for the diagnosis and treatment of all types of Diabetes and Endocrine Disorders, such as Hypo & Hyperthyroidism
315Medical/ClinicalEar Nose and ThroatAssessment, treatment and surgery connected with the ears, nose and throat (also know as otorhinolaryngology)
316Medical/ClinicalElderly CareHealthcare for older people, may be provided through specialist facilities/clinics. Includes pre and post operative care and support
317Medical/ClinicalFamily ServicesSupport and treatment of young people through psychiatry, counseling and therapy that are suffering with mental health problems that affect home/school life
823Medical/ClinicalGastroenterology and Hepatology
318Medical/ClinicalGeneral MedicineCovers a variety of areas from patients are expected to be on a 'General Medicine' ward for a few days and may involve testing, investigations and minor procedures. Often also includes 'sub services' such as Haematology/Respiratory/Elderly/Gastrointestin
319Medical/ClinicalGeneral SurgeryTreatment and surgery for conditions connected with colon/rectum/bowel/intestines/vascular system. Often using minimally invasive (Laparoscopic) surgery techniques.
821Medical/ClinicalGenito-Urinary Medicine and Sexual Health
797Medical/ClinicalHaematologyThe study of blood and blood diseases
320Medical/ClinicalMedical/Clinical Department ManagerCo-ordinating and running the services provided by clinical department within the hospital. Often report to consultants.
321Medical/ClinicalMental Health / Learning DisabilitiesAssessment, support and treatment of patients with mental health and learning disabilities. This is often through dedicated 'Mental Health Trusts' which run secure hospitals for treatment and long term care.
322Medical/ClinicalNeurosciencesTreatment for diseases of the Nervous System - includes neurology, neurosurgery, neuro-oncology, neuro genetics, neuropathology
323Medical/ClinicalObstetrics and GynaecologyAssessment, treatment and surgery connected with the female reproductive organs.
828Medical/ClinicalOccupational Medicine
324Medical/ClinicalOccupational TherapyResponsible for assessing and providing information, advice and support for people coping with disabilities at home and work, helping them to be more independent
325Medical/ClinicalOncologyDealing with the study, diagnosis and treatment of cancer
326Medical/ClinicalOphthalmologyTreatment of diseases and conditions affecting the visual pathways - eyes and surrounding areas.
327Medical/ClinicalOrthodonticsAssessment and surgery relating to correcting dental and facial (maxillofacial) disorders, also includes patients that require surgery to remove teeth or need restorative work.
328Medical/ClinicalOrthopaedicsTreatment of conditions connected with the musculoskeletal system, including injuries, infections, trauma, diseases and congenital conditions
329Medical/ClinicalPaediatricsMedical care for children and adolescents. Includes treatment of conditions, diseases and neonatology
330Medical/ClinicalPalliative CareConcerned with relieving suffering and easing symptoms associated with terminal illness.
331Medical/ClinicalPathologyDiagnosis of diseases though the analysis of bodily fluids - blood, urine and soft tissues.
332Medical/ClinicalPharmacyPurchasing medicines on behalf of the organisation, checking prescriptions and dispensing. May also involve giving advice to medical staff and patients.
333Medical/ClinicalPhysiotherapyAssessment, treatment and rehabilitation of patients suffering with problems caused by aging, accidents or illness. Treatment through manual therapy and therapeutic exercise.
819Medical/ClinicalPlastic and Cosmetic Surgery
334Medical/ClinicalPsychiatryExamination and assessment of patients mental state/status. Involves cognitive and personality testing and neuroimaging (brain scans). Treatment may involve medical and/or psychotherapy.
335Medical/ClinicalPsychologyAssessment and support for people suffering from emotional problems, anxiety and addiction. Helping patients deal with the effects of traumatic events - accidents/surgery etc
826Medical/ClinicalPublic Health Medicine
336Medical/ClinicalRadiologyUse of imaging technology to identify and treat disease. Scans vary in type using a variety of technologies including sound/xray and magnetic fields.
337Medical/ClinicalRehabilitationProvide support and treatment for people with Physical Disabilities (usually of a working age) in order to help them to get back home/to work.
820Medical/ClinicalRespiratory Medicine
338Medical/ClinicalRheumatologyDiagnosis and treatment of problems affecting the joints, muscles soft and connective tissues.
339Medical/ClinicalTraumaImmediate treatment and stabilisation of patients with serious and multiple injuries. Including involving Head, Neck, Chest and Bones
340Medical/ClinicalUrologyAssessment, treatment and surgery connected with the urinary tracts of males and females, plus the male reproductive system. Covers bladder/ureters/urethra/kidneys/prostrate
341Medical/ClinicalWomen/ChildrenClinical Directorate covering a range of acute and community services - often including maternity and child health
643Opposition SpokesmanAdult ServicesMember and Spokesman of a non Governing Party/Opposition within Councils, with responsibly for Adult Health and Social Care
644Opposition SpokesmanChildrens ServicesMember and Spokesman of a non Governing Party/Opposition within Councils, with responsibly for Children's Health and Social Care
645Opposition SpokesmanClimate StrategyMember and Spokesman of a non Governing Party/Opposition within Councils, with responsibly for Climate Strategy
646Opposition SpokesmanComms/PRMember and Spokesman of a non Governing Party/Opposition within Councils, with responsibly for Communications/PR
647Opposition SpokesmanCommunity DevptMember and Spokesman of a non Governing Party/Opposition within Councils, with responsibly for Community Social Development
648Opposition SpokesmanCommunity SafetyMember and Spokesman of a non Governing Party/Opposition within Councils, with responsibly for Community/Public Safety
649Opposition SpokesmanCultural SersMember and Spokesman of a non Governing Party/Opposition within Councils, with responsibly for Museums, Libraries and other Cultural Services
650Opposition Spokesmane-GovernmentMember and Spokesman of a non Governing Party/Opposition within Councils, with responsibly for implementing online/automated ways of providing public services utilising multi-media technologies
651Opposition SpokesmanEmployment/SkillsMember and Spokesman of a non Governing Party/Opposition within Councils, with responsibly for Employment/Skills
652Opposition SpokesmanEnvironmentMember and Spokesman of a non Governing Party/Opposition within Councils, with responsibly for the Local Environment - may include Planning, Waste, Cleansing, Sustainability etc
653Opposition SpokesmanEnvtl HealthMember and Spokesman of a non Governing Party/Opposition within Councils, with responsibly for Environmental Health
654Opposition SpokesmanEqual Opps/Womens RightsMember and Spokesman of a non Governing Party/Opposition within Councils, with responsibly for Equal Opps/Women's Rights
655Opposition SpokesmanEstates/PropertyMember and Spokesman of a non Governing Party/Opposition within Councils, with responsibly for Estates, Facilities and Property owned by the Council
656Opposition SpokesmanFinanceMember and Spokesman of a non Governing Party/Opposition within Councils, with responsibly for Finance and Financial Management of the Council
657Opposition SpokesmanFire ServiceMember and Spokesman of a non Governing Party/Opposition within Councils, with responsibly for the Local Fire Service
658Opposition SpokesmanHealthMember and Spokesman of a non Governing Party/Opposition within Councils, with responsibly for Public Health
659Opposition SpokesmanHighwaysMember and Spokesman of a non Governing Party/Opposition within Councils, with responsibly for Highways Planning, Maintenance and Traffic Management
660Opposition SpokesmanHousingMember and Spokesman of a non Governing Party/Opposition within Councils, with responsibly for Housing, Housing Management, Provision and Homelessness
661Opposition SpokesmanHuman ResourcesMember and Spokesman of a non Governing Party/Opposition within Councils, with responsibly for the management of Human Resources/Personnel within the Council
662Opposition SpokesmanInclusionMember and Spokesman of a non Governing Party/Opposition within Councils, with responsibly for Social and Community Inclusion
663Opposition SpokesmanITMember and Spokesman of a non Governing Party/Opposition within Councils, with responsibly for the management and strategy of the Council's IT and ICT systems
664Opposition SpokesmanLifelong LrngMember and Spokesman of a non Governing Party/Opposition within Councils, with responsibly for Adult Lifelong Learning
665Opposition SpokesmanNeighbourhoodMember and Spokesman of a non Governing Party/Opposition within Councils, with responsibly for Neighbourhood Services
666Opposition SpokesmanOlder PeopleMember and Spokesman of a non Governing Party/Opposition within Councils, with responsibly for the Care and Support of Older People
667Opposition SpokesmanOrgnstnl DevptMember and Spokesman of a non Governing Party/Opposition within Councils, with responsibly for the strategic and policies connected with the development of the organisation
679Opposition SpokesmanOtherMember and Spokesman of a non Governing Party/Opposition within Councils, with responsibly for other/non specified responsibilities
668Opposition SpokesmanPartnershipsMember and Spokesman of a non Governing Party/Opposition within Councils, with responsibly for the development, management and assessment of Partnerships with external organisations
669Opposition SpokesmanPerformance MngmtMember and Spokesman of a non Governing Party/Opposition within Councils, with responsibly for the performance of the Council, including from quality and financial perspectives
670Opposition SpokesmanPhysical PlanningMember and Spokesman of a non Governing Party/Opposition within Councils, with responsibly for the processing of planning applications, taking account of the council policies and environmental
671Opposition SpokesmanPolicy/StrategyMember and Spokesman of a non Governing Party/Opposition within Councils, with responsibly for Policies and Strategies connected with the improvement of the Council
672Opposition SpokesmanRecreation/LeisureMember and Spokesman of a non Governing Party/Opposition within Councils, with responsibly for Recreation & Leisure Services, including encouraging Sports and managing Leisure Centres
673Opposition SpokesmanRegenerationMember and Spokesman of a non Governing Party/Opposition within Councils, with responsibly for Economic Regeneration within the Councils area
674Opposition SpokesmanResourcesMember and Spokesman of a non Governing Party/Opposition within Councils, with responsibly for the management and deployment of Council Resources
675Opposition SpokesmanTrading StandardsMember and Spokesman of a non Governing Party/Opposition within Councils, with responsibly for protecting the public/consumers by ensuring businesses are trading fairly
676Opposition SpokesmanTransportMember and Spokesman of a non Governing Party/Opposition within Councils, with responsibly for Transport Planning and Strategy, including Public Transport
677Opposition SpokesmanWaste/RecyclingMember and Spokesman of a non Governing Party/Opposition within Councils, with responsibly for Waste Collection, Management, Disposal and Recycling
678Opposition SpokesmanYouthMember and Spokesman of a non Governing Party/Opposition within Councils, with responsibly for strategies around and services to Young People
342Partnership/Co-ordinationCommunity Services / DevelopmentHelping to enable local communities to develop socially
343Partnership/Co-ordinationEconomic/Community RegenerationUsually found in run-down areas, inner city areas; etc. Responsible for developing the community economically and socially through initiatives, education and partnership with the voluntary sector.
344Partnership/Co-ordinationEuropean LiaisonKeeping in touch with EU and EC matters. Some Local Authorities have an office in Brussels.
834Partnership/Co-ordinationInternational TradeWorking to further the interests of the UK and UK businesses internationally through trade deals and other economic and trade relationships
345Partnership/Co-ordinationLocal Area AgreementAgreements between local and central government, concerned with identifying the priorities for public services in a local area. Designed to focus on local need rather than centralised generic services.
346Partnership/Co-ordinationLocal Strategic PartnershipCo-ordinating Public, voluntary and charity organisations, businesses and the local community to provide joined up strategies and services.
347Partnership/Co-ordinationService Co-ordination & PartnershipsSetting up partnerships with other public and private organisations and generally seeking "joined-up" approaches to the provision of public services.
348Partnership/Co-ordinationTourism PromotionAll aspects of promoting local tourism and associated services.
349Partnership/Co-ordinationTown Centre ManagementSome authorities undertake coordinating functions in town centres in co-operation with traders.
350Partnership/Co-ordinationVoluntary Sector LiaisonConsultation with voluntary organisations, dealing with grant applications, etc.
693Party Leader 
351Personnel/Human ResourcesAdult Services - HRDealing with day-to-day staff matters within adult social care departments
352Personnel/Human ResourcesCentral Personnel ServicesHuman resource and personnel management for the organisation as a whole. Day-to-day management may be delegated to departments in larger organisations
353Personnel/Human ResourcesChildrens Services - HRDealing with day-to-day staff matters within children's service departments
354Personnel/Human ResourcesDepartmental Personnel ServicesDealing with day-to-day staff matters for a specific department within the organisation. The extent of this role depends on the amount of autonomy given to departments.
355Personnel/Human ResourcesEquality IssuesEnsuring that in-house management and external services meet legislative requirements and developing policies and programmes to advance all kinds of equality in the administrative area.
483Political AffiliationAllianceLocal or Nationally Elected Member of the Alliance Party
830Political AffiliationBrexitLocal or Nationally Elected Member of the Brexit Party
473Political AffiliationBritish National PartyLocal or Nationally Elected Member of the British National Party
831Political AffiliationChange UKNationally Elected Member of the Change UK Party
474Political AffiliationConservativeLocal or Nationally Elected Member of the Conservative Party
764Political AffiliationCrossbench (Lords)Member of the House of Lords with no political bias
484Political AffiliationDemocratic Unionist (DUP)Local or Nationally Elected Member of the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP)
475Political AffiliationGreen PartyLocal or Nationally Elected Member of the Green Party
476Political AffiliationIndependentLocal or Nationally Elected Member of an Independent Party
477Political AffiliationLabourLocal or Nationally Elected Member of the Labour Party
762Political AffiliationLabour and Co-operativeLocal or Nationally Elected Member of the Labour and Co-operative Party
478Political AffiliationLiberal DemocratLocal or Nationally Elected Member of the Liberal Democrats
765Political AffiliationLords' BishopsBishops from the Church of England who are also Members of the House of Lords
489Political AffiliationOtherLocal or Nationally Elected Member of another Political Party
479Political AffiliationPlaid CymruLocal or Nationally Elected Member of the Plaid Cymru
490Political AffiliationPolitical Affiliation Not SpecifiedUnable to confirm the Political Affiliation of the person
485Political AffiliationProgressive Unionist (PUP)Local or Nationally Elected Member of the Progressive Unionist Party (PUP)
858Political AffiliationReform UKLocal or Nationally Elected Member of the Reform UK Party
480Political AffiliationResidents Association/RatepayerLocal Elected Member of the Residents Association/Ratepayer Party
481Political AffiliationScottish NationalistLocal or Nationally Elected Member of the Scottish Nationalist Party
486Political AffiliationSinn FeinLocal or Nationally Elected Member of Sinn Fein
487Political AffiliationSocial Democrat & Labour (SDLP)Local or Nationally Elected Member of the Social Democrat & Labour Party (SDLP)
482Political AffiliationUKIPLocal or Nationally Elected Member of UKIP
488Political AffiliationUlster Unionist (UUP)Local or Nationally Elected Member of the Ulster Unionist Party (UUP)
356Purchasing/ProcurementAdult Services - Purchasing/CommissioningManagement of some or all purchasing of good and services for adults service departments
361Purchasing/ProcurementBuilding/Engineering PurchasingPerson with responsibility/influence for the buying/purchasing of goods and services connected with Building/Engineering
362Purchasing/ProcurementCapital Equipment PurchasingPerson with responsibility/influence for the buying/purchasing of goods and services connected with Capital Equipment
357Purchasing/ProcurementCentral Contract ManagementCentral management of major contracts that the organisation has with service providers
358Purchasing/ProcurementCentral Purchasing of SuppliesManagement of some or all of an organisations purchasing processes; including lists of approved suppliers; bulk purchases; organisation wide standards and annual contracts.
359Purchasing/ProcurementChildrens Services - Purchasing/CommissioningManagement of some or all purchasing of good and services for childrens service departments
360Purchasing/ProcurementCommissioning ServicesAssessment of need and delivering solutions though the procurement of products and services within Health and Social Care. Often includes managing and co-ordinating contractors and service providers.
363Purchasing/ProcurementConsultancy Services PurchasingPerson with responsibility/influence for the buying/purchasing of goods and services connected with Consultancy Services
379Purchasing/ProcurementDepartmental Purchasing/ContractsManagement of some or all purchasing for a specific department/function within the organisation
364Purchasing/ProcurementDiagnostic/Medical Equipment PurchasingPerson with responsibility/influence for the buying/purchasing of goods and services connected with Diagnostic/Medical Equipment
365Purchasing/ProcurementDomestic Cleaning/Laundry PurchasingPerson with responsibility/influence for the buying/purchasing of goods and services connected with Domestic Cleaning/Laundry
366Purchasing/ProcurementEnergy PurchasingPerson with responsibility/influence for the buying/purchasing of goods and services connected with Energy Management
367Purchasing/ProcurementFood/Catering PurchasingPerson with responsibility/influence for the buying/purchasing of goods and services connected with Food/Catering
368Purchasing/ProcurementIT/Service Testing PurchasingPerson with responsibility/influence for the buying/purchasing of goods and services connected with IT/Service Testing
369Purchasing/ProcurementMedical/Surgical PurchasingPerson with responsibility/influence for the buying/purchasing of goods and services connected with Medical/Surgical
370Purchasing/ProcurementOffice Services PurchasingPerson with responsibility/influence for the buying/purchasing of goods and services connected with Office Services
371Purchasing/ProcurementPatients' Appliances PurchasingPerson with responsibility/influence for the buying/purchasing of goods and services connected with Patients' Appliances
372Purchasing/ProcurementPerformance/Planning PurchasingPerson with responsibility/influence for the buying/purchasing of goods and services connected with Performance/Planning
373Purchasing/ProcurementPharmaceutical PurchasingPerson with responsibility/influence for the buying/purchasing of Pharmaceutical goods and services
374Purchasing/ProcurementSupplies - Customer LiaisonManaging relationships within individual organisations when purchasing in bulk/through a central purchasing consortia
375Purchasing/ProcurementSupplies - WholesalingManaging bulk purchases on behalf of multiple organisations
376Purchasing/ProcurementTextiles PurchasingPerson with responsibility/influence for the buying/purchasing of goods and services connected with Textiles
377Purchasing/ProcurementTransport PurchasingPerson with responsibility/influence for the buying/purchasing of goods and services connected with Transport
378Purchasing/ProcurementVending/Catering Equipment PurchsgPerson with responsibility/influence for the buying/purchasing of goods and services connected with Vending/Catering Equipment
380Recreation/SportsArtsManage all kinds of arts services and related grants for outside organisations.
381Recreation/SportsPublic Parks/Grounds MaintenanceResponsible for the management and maintenance of parkland/woodland as well as over public open space/some highway verges/sports grounds/playgrounds and floral displays
382Recreation/SportsRecreation/Leisure - Leisure CentresManaging and running leisure centres. This may be limited to managing contracts with companies to do this
383Recreation/SportsRecreation/Leisure - SportsResponsible for promotion and management of sports and related events.
384Recreation/SportsRecreation/Leisure - UnspecifiedResponsible for other aspects of recreation services
385Recreation/SportsRecreation/Leisure ServicesSenior contacts responsible for the organisations provision, management and promotion of recreation and leisure functions
386Regulation/ControlBuilding ControlManagement of Building Regulations; relating to all kinds of new buildings and improvements.
387Regulation/ControlLicensingIssue licenses for the sale of alcohol / places of entertainment / takeaway restaurants / hackney carriage taxis / private hire / animal boarding / zoos / caravan/camping etc
388Regulation/ControlMarketsManagement and licensing of pitches and related matters.
761Regulation/ControlSustainable DrainageContacts in Local Government responsible for ensuring that Housing and Commercial developments above a certain size meet statutory obligations for drainage.
392Regulation/ControlT&C PlanningManagement and operation of the planning application and approval system.
389Regulation/ControlT&C Planning - Development ControlDeals with the processing of planning applications, taking account of the council policies and environmental considerations
390Regulation/ControlT&C Planning - Development FrameworksThe preparation of land use plans for specific areas.
391Regulation/ControlT&C Planning - Structure/Unitary PlansThe preparation of strategic land use and transport plans, covering the whole administrative area of a local planning authority.
393Regulation/ControlTrading StandardsOperation of statutory services. Responsible for ensuring fair trading of businesses in order to protect the public
635Regulatory Committee MembershipDevelopment ControlMember of the Regulatory Committee. Responsible for monitoring, regulating and approving Planning and Development applications.
634Regulatory Committee MembershipLicensingMember of the Regulatory Committee. Responsible for monitoring, regulating and approving applications and issuing of Licenses - including Alcohol and Gambling Licenses
587Regulatory Cttee Chair/SpokesmanDevelopment ControlChair of the Regulatory Committee. Responsible for monitoring, regulating and approving Planning and Development applications.
588Regulatory Cttee Chair/SpokesmanLicensingChair of the Regulatory Committee. Responsible for monitoring, regulating and approving applications and issuing of Licenses - including Alcohol and Gambling Licenses
590Regulatory Cttee Vice ChairDevelopment ControlDeputy Chair of the Regulatory Committee. Responsible for monitoring, regulating and approving Planning and Development applications.
591Regulatory Cttee Vice ChairLicensingDeputy Chair of the Regulatory Committee. Responsible for monitoring, regulating and approving applications and issuing of Licenses - including Alcohol and Gambling Licenses
594Scrutiny Committee Chairs/ConvenersAdult ServicesElected Chair of the Scrutiny Committee in Councils . Responsible for monitoring the decisions and management of the Cabinet/Committee connected with Adult Health and Social Care
810Scrutiny Committee Chairs/ConvenersAuditElected Chair of the Scrutiny Committee in Councils . Responsible for monitoring the decisions and management of the Cabinet/Committee connected with Audit
595Scrutiny Committee Chairs/ConvenersChildrens ServicesElected Chair of the Scrutiny Committee in Councils . Responsible for monitoring the decisions and management of the Cabinet/Committee connected with Children's Health and Social Care
596Scrutiny Committee Chairs/ConvenersClimate StrategyElected Chair of the Scrutiny Committee in Councils . Responsible for monitoring the decisions and management of the Cabinet/Committee connected with Climate Strategy
597Scrutiny Committee Chairs/ConvenersCommunications/PRElected Chair of the Scrutiny Committee in Councils . Responsible for monitoring the decisions and management of the Cabinet/Committee connected with Communications/PR
598Scrutiny Committee Chairs/ConvenersCommunity DevelopmentElected Chair of the Scrutiny Committee in Councils . Responsible for monitoring the decisions and management of the Cabinet/Committee connected with Community Social Development
599Scrutiny Committee Chairs/ConvenersCommunity SafetyElected Chair of the Scrutiny Committee in Councils . Responsible for monitoring the decisions and management of the Cabinet/Committee connected with Community/Public Safety
600Scrutiny Committee Chairs/ConvenersCultural ServicesElected Chair of the Scrutiny Committee in Councils . Responsible for monitoring the decisions and management of the Cabinet/Committee connected with Museums, Libraries and other Cultural Services
601Scrutiny Committee Chairs/ConvenersDevelopment ControlElected Chair of the Scrutiny Committee in Councils . Responsible for monitoring the decisions and management of the Cabinet/Committee connected with Planning issues around Development
602Scrutiny Committee Chairs/Convenerse-GovernmentElected Chair of the Scrutiny Committee in Councils . Responsible for monitoring the decisions and management of the Cabinet/Committee connected with implementing online/automated ways of providing public services utilising multi-media technologies
603Scrutiny Committee Chairs/ConvenersEmployment/SkillsElected Chair of the Scrutiny Committee in Councils . Responsible for monitoring the decisions and management of the Cabinet/Committee connected with Employment/Skills
604Scrutiny Committee Chairs/ConvenersEnvironmentElected Chair of the Scrutiny Committee in Councils . Responsible for monitoring the decisions and management of the Cabinet/Committee connected with the Local Environment - may include Planning, Waste, Cleansing, Sustainability etc
605Scrutiny Committee Chairs/ConvenersEnvironmental HealthElected Chair of the Scrutiny Committee in Councils . Responsible for monitoring the decisions and management of the Cabinet/Committee connected with Environmental Health
606Scrutiny Committee Chairs/ConvenersEqual OpportunitiesElected Chair of the Scrutiny Committee in Councils . Responsible for monitoring the decisions and management of the Cabinet/Committee connected with Equal Opps/Women's Rights
607Scrutiny Committee Chairs/ConvenersEstates & PropertyElected Chair of the Scrutiny Committee in Councils . Responsible for monitoring the decisions and management of the Cabinet/Committee connected with Estates, Facilities and Property owned by the Council
608Scrutiny Committee Chairs/ConvenersFinanceElected Chair of the Scrutiny Committee in Councils . Responsible for monitoring the decisions and management of the Cabinet/Committee connected with Finance and Financial Management of the Council
609Scrutiny Committee Chairs/ConvenersFireElected Chair of the Scrutiny Committee in Councils . Responsible for monitoring the decisions and management of the Cabinet/Committee connected with the Local Fire Service
610Scrutiny Committee Chairs/ConvenersHealthElected Chair of the Scrutiny Committee in Councils . Responsible for monitoring the decisions and management of the Cabinet/Committee connected with Public Health
611Scrutiny Committee Chairs/ConvenersHighwaysElected Chair of the Scrutiny Committee in Councils . Responsible for monitoring the decisions and management of the Cabinet/Committee connected with Highways Planning, Maintenance and Traffic Management
612Scrutiny Committee Chairs/ConvenersHousingElected Chair of the Scrutiny Committee in Councils . Responsible for monitoring the decisions and management of the Cabinet/Committee connected with Housing, Housing Management, Provision and Homelessness
613Scrutiny Committee Chairs/ConvenersHuman ResourcesElected Chair of the Scrutiny Committee in Councils . Responsible for monitoring the decisions and management of the Cabinet/Committee connected with the management of Human Resources/Personnel within the Council
614Scrutiny Committee Chairs/ConvenersInclusionElected Chair of the Scrutiny Committee in Councils . Responsible for monitoring the decisions and management of the Cabinet/Committee connected with Social and Community Inclusion
615Scrutiny Committee Chairs/ConvenersITElected Chair of the Scrutiny Committee in Councils . Responsible for monitoring the decisions and management of the Cabinet/Committee connected with the management and strategy of the Council's IT and ICT systems
616Scrutiny Committee Chairs/ConvenersLicensingElected Chair of the Scrutiny Committee in Councils . Responsible for monitoring the decisions and management of the Cabinet/Committee connected with applications and issuing of Licenses - including Alcohol and Gambling Licenses
617Scrutiny Committee Chairs/ConvenersLifelong LearningElected Chair of the Scrutiny Committee in Councils . Responsible for monitoring the decisions and management of the Cabinet/Committee connected with Adult Lifelong Learning
618Scrutiny Committee Chairs/ConvenersNeighbourhoodElected Chair of the Scrutiny Committee in Councils . Responsible for monitoring the decisions and management of the Cabinet/Committee connected with Neighbourhood Services
619Scrutiny Committee Chairs/ConvenersOlder PeopleElected Chair of the Scrutiny Committee in Councils . Responsible for monitoring the decisions and management of the Cabinet/Committee connected with the Care and Support of Older People
620Scrutiny Committee Chairs/ConvenersOrganisational DevptElected Chair of the Scrutiny Committee in Councils . Responsible for monitoring the decisions and management of the Cabinet/Committee connected with the strategic and policies connected with the development of the organisation
632Scrutiny Committee Chairs/ConvenersOtherElected Chair of the Scrutiny Committee in Councils . Responsible for monitoring the decisions and management of the Cabinet/Committee connected with other/non specified responsibilities
593Scrutiny Committee Chairs/ConvenersOverallPerson with Overall Responsibility for the Scrutiny Committee in Councils. Responsible for monitoring the decisions and management of the Cabinet/Committee.
621Scrutiny Committee Chairs/ConvenersPartnershipsElected Chair of the Scrutiny Committee in Councils . Responsible for monitoring the decisions and management of the Cabinet/Committee connected with the development, management and assessment of Partnerships with external organisations
622Scrutiny Committee Chairs/ConvenersPerformance MngmntElected Chair of the Scrutiny Committee in Councils . Responsible for monitoring the decisions and management of the Cabinet/Committee connected with the performance of the Council, including from quality and financial perspectives
623Scrutiny Committee Chairs/ConvenersPhysical PlanningElected Chair of the Scrutiny Committee in Councils . Responsible for monitoring the decisions and management of the Cabinet/Committee connected with the processing of planning applications, taking account of the council policies and environmental conside
624Scrutiny Committee Chairs/ConvenersPolicy/StrategyElected Chair of the Scrutiny Committee in Councils . Responsible for monitoring the decisions and management of the Cabinet/Committee connected with Policies and Strategies connected with the improvement of the Council
625Scrutiny Committee Chairs/ConvenersRecreation & LeisureElected Chair of the Scrutiny Committee in Councils . Responsible for monitoring the decisions and management of the Cabinet/Committee connected with Recreation & Leisure Services, including encouraging Sports and managing Leisure Centres
626Scrutiny Committee Chairs/ConvenersRegenerationElected Chair of the Scrutiny Committee in Councils . Responsible for monitoring the decisions and management of the Cabinet/Committee connected with Economic Regeneration within the Councils area
627Scrutiny Committee Chairs/ConvenersResourcesElected Chair of the Scrutiny Committee in Councils . Responsible for monitoring the decisions and management of the Cabinet/Committee connected with the management and deployment of Council Resources
628Scrutiny Committee Chairs/ConvenersTrading StandardsElected Chair of the Scrutiny Committee in Councils . Responsible for monitoring the decisions and management of the Cabinet/Committee connected with protecting the public/consumers by ensuring businesses are trading fairly
629Scrutiny Committee Chairs/ConvenersTransportElected Chair of the Scrutiny Committee in Councils . Responsible for monitoring the decisions and management of the Cabinet/Committee connected with Transport Planning and Strategy, including Public Transport
630Scrutiny Committee Chairs/ConvenersWaste/RecyclingElected Chair of the Scrutiny Committee in Councils . Responsible for monitoring the decisions and management of the Cabinet/Committee connected with Waste Collection, Management, Disposal and Recycling
631Scrutiny Committee Chairs/ConvenersYouthResponsible for monitoring the decisions and management of the Cabinet/Committee connected with strategies around and services to Young People
637Scrutiny Committee MembershipAdult ServicesMember of the Scrutiny Committee. Responsible for monitoring the decisions and management of the Cabinet/Committee connected with Adult Health and Social Care
638Scrutiny Committee MembershipChildrens ServicesMember of the Scrutiny Committee. Responsible for monitoring the decisions and management of the Cabinet/Committee connected with Children's Health and Social Care
639Scrutiny Committee MembershipHealthMember of the Scrutiny Committee. Responsible for monitoring the decisions and management of the Cabinet/Committee connected with Public Health
640Scrutiny Committee MembershipHousingMember of the Scrutiny Committee. Responsible for monitoring the decisions and management of the Cabinet/Committee connected with Housing, Housing Management, Provision and Homelessness
641Scrutiny Committee MembershipOverallSenior Member of the Scrutiny Committee in Councils. Responsible for monitoring the decisions and management of the Cabinet/Committee.
708Senior PostholdersDeputy Party LeaderElected MP and Deputy Leader of his/her Political Party
728Senior PostholdersMember of the CabinetSenior elected MP and Member of the Governing Political Party with a specific responsibility for an area of Government service (portfolio).
729Senior PostholdersMember of the Government/ExecutiveElected MP that is a member of the Governing/Majority Political Party
730Senior PostholdersMember of the Shadow CabinetSenior elected MP and Member of the non Governing/Main Opposition Political Party with a specific responsibility for an area of Government service (portfolio).
731Senior PostholdersOpposition Front Bench Spokesman 
732Senior PostholdersOpposition Spokesman 
733Senior PostholdersParliamentary Private SecretaryA backbench MP (not a member of the Cabinet) who is appointment by a Minister to be their point of contact in the House of Commons
735Senior PostholdersParty LeaderElected MP and Leader of his/her Political Party
394Social Security/Welfare/EmploymentBenefitsManaging the provision and assessing suitability for the provision of statutory benefits, such as Pension, Income Support and may include Local Benefits/Welfare support.
397Social Security/Welfare/EmploymentJobcentre District Office Manager 
398Social Security/Welfare/EmploymentJobcentre Manager 
401Social Security/Welfare/EmploymentJobcentre Plus Benefits Manager 
400Social Security/Welfare/EmploymentJobcentre Plus Business Manager 
399Social Security/Welfare/EmploymentJobcentre Plus District Manager 
396Social Security/Welfare/EmploymentSocial Security Office Manager 
395Social Security/Welfare/EmploymentTravel Concessions (OAPs etc)Operation of systems of bus passes, concessionary fares, etc.
436Term Ends2010In 2010 the person will face re-election
437Term Ends2011In 2011 the person will face re-election
438Term Ends2012In 2012 the person will face re-election
439Term Ends2013In 2013 the person will face re-election
440Term Ends2014In 2014 the person will face re-election
441Term Ends2015In 2015 the person will face re-election
442Term Ends2016In 2016 the person will face re-election
766Term Ends2017In 2017 the person will face re-election
773Term Ends2018In 2018 the person will face re-election
798Term Ends2019In 2019 the person will face re-election
799Term Ends2020In 2020 the person will face re-election
808Term Ends2021In 2021 the person will face re-election
809Term Ends2022In 2022 the person will face re-election
829Term Ends2023In 2023 the person will face re-election
836Term Ends2024In 2024 the person will face re-election
843Term Ends2025In 2025 the person will face re-election
847Term Ends2026In 2026 the person will face re-election
848Term Ends2027In 2027 the person will face re-election
854Term Ends2028In 2028 the person will face re-election
855Term Ends2029In 2029 the person will face re-election
856Term Ends2030In 2030 the person will face re-election
402TrainingAdult Services - TrainingManagement of some or all training for personnel within adult social care departments
403TrainingCentral Staff TrainingManagement of training budget; organising specific training events and liaising with training consultants/providers.
404TrainingChildrens Services - TrainingManagement of some or all training for personnel within children service departments
405TrainingDepartmental TrainingManagement of some or all training for a specific department/function within the organisation
406Transport/HighwaysCar Parks (Off-Street)Management of car parks owned by local authorities and of contracts with outside operators.
407Transport/HighwaysHighways - ClientPolicy and programme development and specifying all aspects of highways maintenance and construction.
408Transport/HighwaysHighways - Contractor/ConsultantUndertaking highways work specified the client "side".
409Transport/HighwaysHighways - Design & EngineeringDesign of highway schemes, road improvements and structures.
410Transport/HighwaysHighways - MaintenanceRoutine and structural maintenance of roads and bridges.
411Transport/HighwaysHighways - Road SafetyDevelopment and implementation of road safety policies and programmes.
412Transport/HighwaysHighways - Street LightingDesign; implementation and maintenance of street lighting (may include traffic signs).
413Transport/HighwaysHighways - Traffic Control/ITSTraffic signals, Traffic Control Systems, Intelligent Traffic Systems, etc.
414Transport/HighwaysHighways - Traffic ManagementDesign, consultation and related work to do with on-street parking controls, one-way streets, traffic signs, etc.
415Transport/HighwaysHighways - UnspecifiedResponsibility for highways functions other than those detailed in this section.
417Transport/HighwaysPublic Transport Policy & Support 
416Transport/HighwaysPublic Transport SubsidiesDeciding the bus and rail services which are required for social reasons - i.e. those not otherwise provided - and then arranging contracts with operators to provide them.
859Transport/HighwaysTransport - OtherResponsible for various forms of transport not otherwise specified, including Marine
418Transport/HighwaysTransport PlanningPreparation of strategies and plans for highway and public transport provision, area-wide and more locally.