Informing through Research and Intelligence. An informed and collaborative approach to discovering what matters to you, focused across UK Public Services.


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Oscar Market Research Services

Want to know more about your market, services or customers? Combining a consultative approach with detailed research and analysis; we provide accessible, informative and actionable insights and intelligence.

What would you like to know?

  • Are My Customers Happy?
  • What would our Clients like that we aren’t providing?
  • How can I best understand my target audience?
  • How likely is it people will use our services?
  • What external challenges is my organisation facing?
  • How do I best test an idea on the market?
  • How large is our potential market?
  • How do our users perceive our organisation?
  • What are my competitors doing that we aren’t?

Plan > Collect > Analyse > Deliver

Expert consultation, project planning, questionnaire design, fieldwork, project management, analysis and reporting.

  • Consultation
  • Project Planning
  • Questionnaire Design
  • Data and Sample Planning/Sourcing

Consultation with our expert staff seamlessly leads to planning your project and designing your questionnaire to maximise potential and ensure you get the right end result. We can provide extensive reach across all markets; whether using our own Public Sector Database or Business Data platform, our partner’s digital consumer panel or utilising our long standing relationships with many international data companies.

  • Quantitative – quantifiable measurement process
  • One Minute Surveys
  • Digital Panel Surveys
  • Digital Email Surveys
  • Postal Surveys
  • Telephone Interviewing
  • In-Street Interviewing
  • Desk Research
  • Qualitative – descriptive observations
  • In Depth Phone Interviews
  • Face to Face Interviews
  • Focus Groups

The crucial ingredient to a good outcome. Utilising our own experienced management team and internal researchers together with our partners’ Europe wide panels, extensive fieldwork teams and unique One Minute Survey we cover every form of data collection.

  • Data Processing and Analysis
  • Factor analysis
  • Regression analysis
  • Trend analysis
  • Benchmarking analysis
  • Maturity Modelling

We love data and have spent over 25 years analysing and disseminating it. Context, comprehension and the right form of analysis are the only ways to both ensure the correct understanding and insights as well as ultimately providing the most value return from each project.

  • Published Reports
  • Report Design
  • Data Visualisations
  • Report Presentations

Great planning, research and analysis are of little value without the right delivery. Informed by the project requirements and results we present the right visualisations and reports to deliver understandable, accessible and actionable insights and intelligence.

Case Studies

Quantitative telephone research with victims of crime.

Factor analysis:

  • to help work out what, if anything, contributed or influenced the satisfaction or dissatisfaction of the respondent with the way an incident was dealt with;
  • highlight any non-obvious factors driving respondents’ feelings on various aspects of their interaction with the police force, good or bad.

Regression analysis:

  • To work out if/what specific force behaviours and processes when dealing with an incident directly influenced/caused satisfaction/dissatisfaction in respondents /li>
  • To determine if demographic, geographic or incidence type directly influenced/drove the respondents’ opinions
  • Help identify areas specifically driving opinions of respondents that are seemingly out of the forces control but could help drive attitudes, behaviours, systems used within the force to lessen the impact of such factors

Trend analysis:

  • Looked at monthly, six month and 12 month intervals to highlight trends in the data overall, together with the factor and regression analysis, to identify trends
  • Helped highlight areas that needed to be worked on driving spend and resources
  • Allowed the correlation of trend with systems put in place to mitigate factors influencing/driving respondents’ experiences, what works, what doesn’t
  • Benchmarking analysis
  • Force comparison against national statistics

Qualitative analysis with customers who have recently interacted with their electricity supplier.

  • Quality, value, expectations, satisfaction and recommendation.
  • Using factor, regression and trend analysis to drive improvements where needed.
  • In addition interaction experience was conducted.
  • Using maturing modeling the interaction experience was analysed to look at the various processes including incident reporting, communication with the customer, work/interaction both internally and externally with contractors, problem solving/outage handling, timing and impact.
  • More than one contractor working to resolve a problem, together with the customers’ opinions/ satisfaction with the process at the various stages was an intrinsic part of the modeling.

Maturity modeling helped to:

  • test current procedures in place by all the entities involved and determine whether overall the supplier was meeting their, and indeed customers’, expectations
  • look at how the processes contributed to managing the customer at the various stages to highlight what was being done well and where improvements could be made
  • Identify where a procedure/procedures were failing and what entity/procedure was responsible in order to pinpoint specific issues or highlight actions that contributed to higher efficiency/customer satisfaction
  • help monitor both internal and contractor performance
  • Identify areas that could be improved, whether working or not, to increase productivity and/or drive customer satisfaction/productivity higher

This was a very important piece of research for the electricity supplier because the maturity modeling, together with the customer satisfaction survey overall, directly influenced annual pay rewards.

Let's talk about you

We’re a friendly lot so let’s start where all things should; a conversation. Book a free 30 minute consultation with one of our experts and we can discuss what you’d like to know, what you need to know and, perhaps, what you didn’t know you needed to know.

Book a Free Appointment


Where it suits our clients requirements we are proud to take a uniquely collaborative approach. Working with the best providers in the market, including; Ipsos Digital’s unique instant consumer panel interviewing platform and Purple Market Research’s unique B2B One Minute Survey which enables collection of top of mind feelings, thoughts and attitudes from key audiences.