Dentists Database

Dentists Database:

Dentistry treatment in the UK is principally provided through Dental Practices. These are most often partnerships or companies employing one or many qualified Dentists. The vast majority of Practices do both NHS and Privately funded work, commonly with the NHS paying a proportion of the work and patients paying the balance. A small number of Practices are owned and run by the NHS and similarly, a minority of Practices only conduct privately funded treatments.

The Oscar database covers all UK Dental Practices with the primary point of contact being the Practice Manager or Principal Dentist in smaller Practices.

Additional Profiling:

Group Name - Shows the Group Name for each Practice

Number of Dentists - Shows the number of Dentists within the Practice.

Type of Funding - Shows whether the Practice is doing NHS work only, a mixture of Private and NHS or Private only.

Dentists Database

Counts and coverage is shown by the key selection areas of the database. The figures are re-calculated every 24 hours based on the latest research.

Dentists organisation types breakdown

Dentists categories and functions breakdown

Dentists seniority breakdown

Dentists regional breakdown