Selection Analysis and Quotation

Unique Reference: Q23392

Thank you for using the OSCAR automated count tool.

Your selections are now saved and this page is unique to you. Each time it's loaded the counts, analysis and costs are updated from the live database so you can share the link with your colleagues and come back to order the data whenever you wish.

As clever as all this is, there's no substitute for a conversation; so if you'd like to discuss the selections or your plans more generally please do get in touch. Contact us here and one of the team will be in touch as soon as possible.

Your Selections

You made the following selections from the Oscar database:

Organisation types Functions Regions
Care Homes All functions All regions

Breakdown by field coverage:

The following shows the number of records that match your selections:

Total Number of Records
Named Contacts
Postal Addresses
Number of Organisations
Number of Sites
Direct Phone Numbers
Main Phone Numbers
Unique Direct Emails
Organisational Emails

Breakdown by Organisation Type:


Organisation type Organisation count Contact Count


Area of Government Specific Organisation Type Contact Count

Breakdown by Job Function:

Please note post holders many have multiple responsibilities and will therefore be counted more than once in this table.

Functional Area Specific Category Category ID Contact Count

Breakdown by Management Level:

This shows the number of contacts from your selection by their level of management within their organisation.

Seniority Contact Count

Breakdown by Area:

These show the number of contacts by political region and then by postcode area.

Region Contact Count

Postcode Area Contact Count

Demographic breakdown:

Demographic Category Contact Count

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